Solutions to humidity problems

Our company offers a wide range of non-invasive and economical solutions, for the cleanup and restoration of environments affected by rising damp and condensation,  in either domestic or industrial environments.

Our solutions include electric wall mounted dehumidifiers, air circulation systems and innovative anti-mould water-based paints.

Beppe Calderoni Consulting will help you find the right solution to your problem, providing you with the most suitable product and method but also, when appropriate, the correct refurbishment of the walls after the restoration phase. 

Our experts will help you fill out the paperwork that pertains to a 50% tax deduction off the renovation works and energy efficient appliances that befit our products.

What type of damp do you have at home?

Not all damp in the house is the same.
The main causes are rising damp or condensation.

In both cases, it is possible to definitively resolve the problem by determining its causes and effects, and by  applying the right technology. To find out what kind of damp you have, see our detailed information boxes.

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Articoli su problemi di muffa ed umidità

by CALDERONI GIUSEPPE 20 September 2019
L'umidità di risalita, un problema molto comune e di difficile soluzione, vedremo come si presenta e che caratteristiche ha, analizzeremo inoltre le varie alternative attualmente disponibili per cercare di risolverlo.
Quanti si sono trovati con problemi di umidità in casa e non hanno saputo come risolverli, o hanno tentato svariate volte di porvi rimedio senza mai riuscire a risolvere definitivamente il problema? Sapreste capire a cosa è dovuto il problema che avete in casa solo tramite un'analisi visiva dei danni?
Permanently resolve the damp problem in your home!
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